
The client was keen to be involved in the design and decision making process, allowing us to work closely with them and the designer to ensure their vision of the surgery became a reality. Ensuring we prioritised the project schedule and finish date as Hunter Plastic Surgery were organising an extravagant grand opening event upon completion.

This fitout not only had to meet, and excede, surgical space regulations in terms of function and sanitation, but also ensure that it met the ambient and aesthetic vision of the client to align with their focus on privacy, tranquility and comfort. The client prides themselves on offering a ‘five star difference’ with a highly skilled surgical team and a luxury experience. It was important to create a space they envisioned, and to allow them to continue working through the construction at normal capacity, with little to no disruption. We were able to successfully provide this within budget and on time.

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Projects HunterPlasticSurgery HunterPlasticSurgery3


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